London Club Printworks Set To Return, NTIA Reports
"This is an extremely positive moment for London's nightlife and the entire cultural ecosystem of the city," said NTIA CEO Michael Kill.

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London club Printworks is back, the Night Time Industries Association (NTIA) reports.
The industry body broke the news on X yesterday, September 25th. "We're extremely pleased to hear the news that Printworks officially received planning consent for redevelopment on Tuesday night," wrote NTIA CEO Michael Kill. "This is an extremely positive moment for London's nightlife and the entire cultural ecosystem of the city. Printworks has long stood as a beacon of creativity and innovation, not just in the UK but globally."
The Canada Water superclub hosted what was believed to be its final run of events last spring, after Southwark Council approved a redevelopment that would turn the venue into office space. These plans appear to have been overwritten, per a new planning proposal. Reopening date and programme are TBA.
"The approval is a testament to the incredible support from the local authorities, community, the music industry, key stakeholders and the dedicated team behind Printworks," Kill continued. "With full steam ahead on these exciting plans, we are one step closer to seeing the venue reopen its doors, bringing back the energy, passion and world-class experiences that made it such an iconic space."
We'll continue to report on this story as it unfolds.
Read the NTIA's post and the planning proposal in full.
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