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State of Flow: Regal
Find out how Regal gets into his best creative self.

State of Flow
“Flow” is a scientifically recognized state of mind where a person is completely focused and immersed in what they’re doing- All time seems to stop, the whole world seems to disappear, and the person is performing and creating at their peak levels. Top performance athletes, engineers and especially your favorite music artists all try to do whatever they can to achieve the 'State of Flow'. Although everyone has their own method to achieve “flow”, factors such as creative workspaces, learning beyond their craft, physical/mental well being, feedback/self evaluation on work, and resting time- help all artists create their best work. This installment of 'State of Flow' features Regal.
With a string of awe-inspiring releases and a tour schedule that spans the continents, Regal is one of Techno’s most exciting and in demand talents of recent years. From the hallowed halls of Berghain to the pulsating heart of Fabrik, Regal has graced legendary clubs and festivals, captivating audiences at Awakenings, Tomorrowland and beyond. Since 2012, he unleashed hits on esteemed labels such as BPitch, Figure and Exhale, and collaborated with the likes of Len Faki and Amelie Lens. He remixed the works of notable artists like Nina Kraviz, Ellen Allien, and Emmanuel Top, while his tracks have undergone remixes by industry legends like Radio Slave, Thomas P. Heckmann, and Slam. In addition, his imprint Involve Records has established itself as the epicenter of 303-infused acid sounds, boasting a roster that includes the formidable talents of Boston 168, FJAAK and Alignment.
In a career punctuated by 23 EPs and a string of singles, a big milestone was his debut album 'Remember Why You Started,' a tour de force celebrated by critics and accompanied by an award-winning short film. After two years of intensive touring with gigs on all continents except for Antarctica and a series of reworks and remixer for the most legendary artists of the Techno history, Regal is back in the role of the producer with a series of releases designed to push the creative boundaries of Techno. Regal gives us his best flow tips just after his newest EP Not Another Summer
How Regal Sets Up a Creative Inducing Workspace
I have my studio at home in a room for itself. I’ve always tried to have it either at home or as close as possible because when I have a new idea that pops into my mind I need to be able to work on it as soon as possible, before I forget it. Another important thing for me is to have it as organized as possible. Sometimes it could look a little chaotic on my desk and on my screen, but it actually is a chaos in order.
How Regal Challenges His Mind and Constantly Learn Outside of Music
I try to go boxing every day in my boxing gym. Of course this is not always possible due to my traveling, personal appointments and so on, but I try to go as much as I can. That’s really helpful for my mind. Also playing chess on my phone is something I do quite a lot. When I was a child I used to play chess with my father a lot and it's still one of my favorite games. I also read books and watch movies, especially when I need to “disconnect” my mind for a while.

How Regal Achieves Physical Well Being
In addition to the gym I try to have very strict routines during the week days, like having lunch and dinner always at the same time, go to sleep quite early so I can wake up also early and start being productive early in the morning. I don't always manage because sometimes I come home quite tired after a long weekend, but I try to stick to the schedule as much as possible.
How Regal Maintains Positive Thinking and Mental Well Being
I have no clue, sometimes it just rolls and I manage to finish projects, come up with new ideas and so on. But very often I struggle being positive, as I am a person with many doubts. I doubt myself, my actions and my productions a lot, even though afterwards I realize that I was exaggerating. Overthinking is definitely omnipresent in my life.

How Regal Gets Feedback and Self Evaluates His Work
I think it’s very hard to get an objective evaluation of this kind of work and it’s based on many subjective opinions and some people love one track while others hate it and sometimes it's the other way round. What is considered good for some people is not for others. Maybe I was really satisfied with a DJ set or a track, but then again some people were expecting something different and are disappointed. So in this case the only people I trust to evaluate my job and to take future decisions is my management, they are (sometimes too) honest and tell me when they had the feeling something wasn't as good as it could have been but also tell me when they're happy with how something went.
How Regal Lets Himself Rest And Not Over Work
This is something I actually don't really manage, unfortunately. I never manage to really get any proper rest as I feel constantly drained because of my overthinking. I should really try to get healthier sleep, but it's very difficult when there's so many things going on in my head, things that I still need to do, gigs on the weekends that I need to prepare to and so on.
How Regal Gets Into His Flow State for His Future Projects
Every year I take one entire month of holidays, which is when I can focus on the music production and enjoy the nature, get in touch with things that are not part of my everyday life. That was what I did last January in the Canary Islands and where I was able to produce most of the music that I will be releasing this year (and next spring).