Celebrating SIX AM 15 Year Anniversary: Get to Know Content Director, Kevin
Learn about the content director of SIX AM Group

In this interview with SIX AM's Content Director Kevin, we dive into his journey with SIX AM and his rapid rise within the company. We explore his introduction to the rave scene and his transition from the medical field to the music industry. Kevin shares his aspirations as a producer/DJ and how his artistry aligns with his role at SIX AM. Plus, he offers candid advice on balancing fatherhood with a career in music and his efforts for SIX AM's future as a leading force in House and Techno.
Hey Kevin! It’s exciting to be able to interview you and get some insight on your journey here with SIX AM! How’s everything going at the moment?
Things are wild right now! Busy and wild. I’m going to assume we’re going to talk more on that later…
How did you originally get introduced to the rave scene? How long have you been a part of SIX AM, and how did you get involved in the first place?
For some reason even as a young kid I was wildly into dance music. I was very much a high energy child and high paced dance music was a great outlet for me. I was hooked and looked everywhere for it.
As for my SIX AM journey I’ve only been part of the company for barely 2 years now. I pretty much got involved because I was looking for any working opportunities within the dance music world. I saw an internship position with SIX AM Group and I immediately hunted it down because it was local to me and was focused on the only genre I cared about.
You’ve quickly worked your way up the totem pole here at SIX AM, currently holding the position as the Director of the Content Departments, as well as Editor in Chief. Before your appointment to be in a position of leadership within the company, what other jobs and responsibilities were you tasked with before making it to where you are now?
As mentioned before I started as an intern for the Content department. Pretty much did everything that needed to be done with our website content, social channels, and SoundCloud. Eventually (and by eventually I mean a little over a year) I got bumped to Editor In Chief and then Content director. Shout out to the previous Content Director, Daisy Magana who showed me the ropes and dealt with my incessant questions.
Working for SIX AM is not your only involvement in the music industry, as you also produce and spin techno under the moniker S:V:S (Some Vague Sh*t), having recently opened up for the esteemed Pleasurekraft at the WORK warehouse not too long ago. What are some of your aspirations and goals as a producer/DJ, where do you see your music career in 5 years from now? And how does your path as an artist synergize with your path with SIX AM?
To be completely honest at the moment, I just want to produce techno music that is widely played and loved by artists and fans. I also want to consistently release on various labels to help me get my music out to those people.
Listen Now: S:V:S "Potent Mystery" - Kraftek
Although I have a lot of fun DJing it’s not my main focus for this part of my journey. I love getting a good crowd reaction when I play my own tracks. But I get ecstatic when I hear my track being played by another artist (especially a well established one) and the crowd loving it.
5 years from now I hope to see myself have releases on different labels of different genres of techno. Like you mentioned I got the honor to open for Pleasurekraft and I hope to do that for other established artists as well.
As for the synergy with working for SIX AM, I could honestly say I would never have gotten even close to this point without the help of the SIX AM founder Jia for coaching my artist mindset and journey as well as all the other support from the SIX AM leaders and staff. Also with all the artists I meet and work with, this gives me amazing opportunities to just connect with people I never would have imagined. Just this fact fires me up and creates this feedback loop of encouragement where I want to push harder for this company.
Working in the music industry has not always been your career path, it actually wasn’t until fairly recently a few years ago that you made a career shift, having previously worked in the medical field as a (I forgot exactly what you did). What was your motivation for this huge life change? How was the transition going from the medical field to the music industry? What would you say to someone else in similar shoes you were in who may be considering making a big change in their career/lifestyle?
I forgot what I did too actually… Haha just kidding of course. I wore a lot of hats but my main job was a Radiological Technologist - fancy word for person who does your xrays. I actually am still licensed and certified, but right now I’m trying to focus my growth in this current industry.
As for making the career change, there were actually 2 things that motivated me to switch: A Tumor and Burning Man.
Due to an injury, doctors had found tumors on various bones on xrays (irony) that thankfully turned out to be benign. Something like that of course really makes you think if what you’re doing is something you want to continue with for the rest of your life.
As for Burning Man, influencing my decision to change… it’s not what you think. It wasn’t this crazy out of this world experience where I saw god in a toaster oven inside a boeing 747 (that’s actually a thing by the way). It was actually the mundane but genuine experience of meeting people who are in the creative fields (artists, music producers, designers, etc) that were actually making a decent living and were even making more money than me. I thought to myself, why couldn’t I just do that as well?
Going from Medical to music is like when a DJ completely trainwrecks trying to mix techno into Taylor Swift. It’s rough and probably shouldn’t be done... I had to start all over completely on so many levels and it was a huge struggle and still is to this day. But I’m getting so much out of this experience and the important thing is that I have an amazing group of people and partners that are all in this together in some form or another.
As for anyone deciding to make a massive change in your life, you absolutely need to be practical first and make sure you are able to do this crazy thing financially. Then you absolutely need a partner (shout out to my lovely wife) or some kind of support group to pick you up and to be real with you when you are frustrated and getting mentally demolished (because you will). And finally I don’t care if you were at the top of the mountain in your previous field, you’re at the bottom now- and sh*t rolls downhill. Be ready for it. Good times.
You and your wife just recently had your first child a few months ago, congrats! How has it been juggling taking care of a baby, taking care of the content at SIX AM, and taking care of your creative needs as an artist? Any advice for anyone else getting ready to raise a child while also being involved in the music industry?
I’ll tell you the advice that a well respected techno artist gave me when I asked him about having kids and being a techno artist: Don’t.
Hahaha… joking kind of not joking. It’s not easy at all, especially when you’re just starting out. It’s different when you’ve established yourself and THEN have kids. And even then artists tell me not do it. It’s a whole new ball game to JUST start out AND have a kid at the same time. But you know what? If you can dodge a wrench you can dodge a ball.
Ultimately, what do you aspire to accomplish with SIX AM? What makes SIX AM so special for you and what makes it worth directing all of your available time and energy towards it for?
I want SIX AM to be the lead in House and Techno everything. We are a well recognized global company but I want it to be at the point where you google anything house and techno related and we are the first site and most respected publication and company out there.
Thanks for the insight Kevin! Is there anything you’d like to share?
If you’ve read up to this far thanks for actually taking the time to read all my long winded thoughts. Now you know why Google gives us pretty high rankings on some of our articles.
Connect with Kevin: SoundCloud | Instagram