RYAN NASTY, the alter ego of stunning artist BOHO, is a master of electronic enchantment. His sound is slower, bouncy, groovy, and sexy – a unique fusion that sets the dance floor on fire. As a resident DJ at Berlin's legendary Kit Kat Club for ILLUSION Events, he's a true luminary in the club scene.
Today he joins SIX AM to discuss his music, life and art.
Hi Ryan Nasty, thanks for talking to SIX AM, how are you doing?
Hello everyone, I'm currently working with my team to plan the next big tours and prepare my set for the first All Nighter as Ryan Nasty in one of the oldest clubs in Germany. It looks wild and feels good, how about you babe ?
You’re originally known as BOHO. Why did you create the alias "Ryan Nasty"? What is the significance behind the name?
The synonym actually comes from a funny situation. I once had an intense encounter with a lady in South America. And she said to me, You are sexy & nasty. And then my imagination took off and I told her as fun, my name is also RYAN NASTY. So the name was born in my head. However, at that time I had no idea that I would create another alter ego.
Then half a year later I thought about how I could set myself apart musically by also expressing my love for downtempo - slow beats. In which I play around 110-125 bpm.
The funny thing about the name is that I've developed a whole concept with it. The attitude of Ryan Nasty is sexual and vibing. The whole performance is based on a kinky attitude, which is reflected in the online presence and the sound (track selection).
And also the fact that I'm resident at two events: Illusion / Somnambul in the iconic and legendary venue: Kit Kat Club Berlin
However, RYAN NASTY should be seen more as an ART PROJECT of mine. I am currently starting some shootings & various projects. Which I then plan to exhibit at a vernissage in 2024/25 somewhere. I started the photo project with an extravagant photographer from Cologne, called: TOM EDELKIND
We are creating an intimate photo series with me and various other people, according to the theme: sexy - wild and dirty. The theme will be: "SIEBEN" Ryan is very versatile and will be used more for my expression of art. To express myself visually as well as audivisually.
Can you describe the key characteristics that make Ryan Nasty's music "slower, bouncy, groovy, and sexy"? Why did you decide to go this route with this alias?
I just love playing all night long. I always start off groovy and slow, then work my way up to harder and wilder beats, and in the end there's real fuego. It's a bit like when you have sex. You have a warm up - groove yourself up - experiment and in the end, there's fire and the big bang. That's Ryan...The track selection compared to BOHO is softer, more bouncy, more vocals and dark slow basses set the tone. It just gives me more musical freedom. To present myself a little differently. Or to play more gigs with this alias. The releases will be on different labels than before. Apart from "Jannowitz Records" of course, as it's my own label, I'll be releasing there continuously. Brilliant collaborations are already in the making. My first success was a remix for Nr1. Technohead: Heerhorst. where we already made it into the track & album top 20 charts. Soon there will be interesting releases with: SNYL / Giza Djs stay tuned.
How has your residency at Berlin's Kit Kat Club for ILLUSION Events influenced your music style, reputation and career within the club scene?
I am also a booker for various events in the Kit Kat. I love to offer new talents and friends, good artists a platform. To get together & simply exchange ideas with good music.I have already received several gig offers & credits worldwide through the audience at Kit Kat. It also influences my dress and sexual style to be a bit more open-minded and understanding.
Your focus is on “extended sets”, how long is an extended set to you? And why is that your focus?
I just love playing all night long. To show my inner weirdness in a long journey between 4-10 Hours. I always start off groovy and slow, then work my way up to harder and wilder beats, and in the end there's real fuego. It's a bit like when you have sex. It's getting wet & dirty. You have a warm-up - groove up - experiment and in the end, there's fire and the big bang.
( in the best case hahahahah )
Are you still doing any new projects or tours as BOHO?
Ohh yes BOHO is flowing & growing actually a lot! I'm playing a lot of gigs abroad in the next few months and a "little world tour" so to speak. From Berlin to South Africa, Australia, Costa Rica, Mexico, Sweden, Italy, Spain, Luxembourg, Switzerland ect...The only joke is that I only play in my own city, Cologne, a maximum of 1-2 times a year. That's why my focus is definitely on touring outside of Cologne. Which I also prefer, because I live for the next experience. I'm also a foodie and am always on a mission when traveling. "SKIP THE WINTER & EAT TASTY" & some massive releases are waiting for you!
Thanks so much for talking to SIX AM, is there anything else you’d like to add?
Life is better with oysters and salami pizza ;-) HAHA If u would share some with me hit me up! I would like to see more support from everyone for each other, because it's so much better to push and appreciate each other. SUPPORT IS KING. unfortunately, this spirit is being lost more and more and we should revive it. Nobody should change the world, just show a little more love and understanding. DANKE ! THANK YOU for the constant support since many years <3 much love to JIA and the whole SIX AM Team.
Cheerio Ryan
Connect with RYAN NASTY: Soundcloud | Facebook | Instagram | Spotify