ArtistMap Coordinates feat. S:V:S
Every artists' journey has a starting point. Check out S:V:S's top 5 influential tracks!

Every artists' journey has a starting point. Get ready to unlock the musical GPS of your favorite Artistmap members with Artistmap Coordinates. Each artists charts the top 5 tracks that sparked their creativity, fueled their passion, and guided their artistic journey. Buckle up and dive into the playlist that shapes their genius and hopefully gets you inspired as well! This installment of Artistmap Coordinates features S:V:S.
Emerging techno artist S:V:S is commonly known for a peaktime driving monstrous techno sound. With support from heavyweights such as Charlotte De Witte and Pleasurekraft, and music being played at large festivals and intimate warehouses and clubs around the world, S:V:S has made a strong impact in the short period since his first official release. But being that he's still exploring his sonic identity S:V:S creates all types of music within the vague and vast world of techno. Keep an eye out for his next creation because it will defy all expectation and rigid constraints. He's Some Vague Sh*t.
Without further ado, here are S:V:S's top 5 inspirational tracks
CZR & Ito - "Bringin' The Funk"
Let's start with probably the most surprising for those that hear my music. When this track was realeased in 2001(?), a lot of rave music was getting popular amongst the masses and everyone around me was just buying mix CD's left and right since there was no dance music radio back then. I heard this track on a mix CD and it completely caught me by storm. It was at that moment I realized I truly loved dance music and specifically high energy funky tracks. After listening to this track on repeat I was hooked on dance music forever. For me, this track was the gateway drug.
Pleasurekraft - "Sinister Strings"
This obviously isn't the sound that Pleasurekraft is currently known for but man did this track do a number on my musical tastes. Before hearing this track I was on an upbeat EDM/Electro/Trance phase. Once I heard this track I absolutely fell in love with dark music and broke away from my upbeat/happy music phase. Pleasurekraft's track is a remake of Brainbug's 90's hit, which is also awesome, but this version resonated with me the most. Interestingly enough, I heard the Brainbug version in the same mix as I heard CZR & Ito's track. Anyway, it could've been the fact that Pleasurekraft's version was a more updated sound and it had more of a tech-housey groove- so it was appealing to my tastes at the time versus when I heard the original. But from there on I was a huge Pleasurekraft fan and this track definitely opened doors for me to look into darker music such as techno. Also to see Pleasurekraft's evolution to their current sound was also an inspiration to me to just make the music that I want to make. P.s., This track was released on Pleasurekraft's label Kraftek. The fact that my second label release was on Kraftek, is mind boggling.
Enrico Sangiuliano - "Blooming Era"
By the time this track came out I was casually trying to learn music production on my own and mainly focused on EDM style tracks. When I heard this massive sounding rager I made a hard left and began focusing strictly on techno. I became obssesed with just making techno and listening to techno tracks in general. I listened to techno before but this is the one that made me go full send. For better or worse, because of this track, I honestly have no idea what other music is out there outside of the techno genre. I'm still trying to figure what's the deal with John Summit...
Jeff Mills - "The Bells"
So definitely an odd order to put these tracks in but this is how my musical journey went. After hearing "Blooming Era", I went on an absurd techno wanderlust. I went all the way back to the late 80's searching for whatever was considered "techno". It was great for me to do a deep dive down the history of this music. When I finally got to Jeff Mill's "The Bells" my brain got fried. Since I was used to tracks mastered in the 2010's, I definitely wasn't used to the sound quality. But the sound had such an aggressive distorted raw feel even if it was purposeful or just the limitations of tech at the time, I loved it. The hypnotic tones just completely caught me off guard and not to mention the fact that this track had said "f*ck you" to conventional structures of music. It just made me say "damn".
Oscar Mulero - "Area"
I had the amazing pleasure to see Oscar Mulero's mixing wizardry at ADE in 2022. After that I went on a hypnotic techno binge. When I absolutely shooketh when I heard this track. A mentor of mind told me that I needed to make tracks that use "expensive sounds". I thought he was full of BS. What does that even mean?? But after hearing this track, I finally understood. This track sounds expensive as f*ck. You can just visualize a massive analog modular gear setup as tall as a room, with blinking lights and an orchestrated mass of cables and I have no f*cking clue how it works. It made me do a further dive into the hypnotic sect of techno and it is where my musical tastes and productions are going... for now.
Connect with S:V:S: SoundCloud | Instagram