Onlynumbers is known for his fusion of euphoric melodies, pounding percussion, and hard techno energy. Hailing from France and now living in Czechia, he has performed at some of Europe’s biggest venues. His tracks, including "Miss the Rave," "Euphoric Night," and his powerful EP "My Heart is Raging" on Taapion Records, have been embraced by top DJs worldwide. Collaborating with Basswell, they’ve created unforgettable tracks like "Lunar" and "Fusion." As Onlynumbers continues to push the boundaries of techno, he reveals the key to entering his flow state, the mental space that drives his creativity.
How He Setups a Creative Inducing Workspace
Creating a workspace that resonates with my mind is essential. Over the years, I’ve experimented with different environments: home studios, professional spaces, public spots with headphones, and even other artists’ studios. But for me, the ideal setup is one I’ve designed myself, with my choice of lighting, acoustics, and overall vibe. It’s important for me to feel completely at ease in the place where I create. I need to live in it—sleep, dream, listen to music, and spend time with others there. The energy must stay within the space, fueling my creativity. While I often compose music outside the studio, I always produce inside.
My studio is in the Czech Republic, specifically in Prague, where I feel most comfortable in Europe. The cobblestone streets and the city's atmosphere allow me to disconnect from the world and focus on what I love.
The studio itself is dark, fully isolated from sunlight. I cover all the windows with black straps and heavy curtains. Acoustic treatment and colorful lighting are also key—right now, I love combining purple and orange. I also have a bed and a massive desk that gives me the space I need to work.
I need to be in a place where I can drive my cars—driving at night, especially, helps me stay grounded and sparks my creativity. Without it, I’d feel lost. I also find stress relief at the shooting range, a hobby I’ve had since childhood. In short: a dark, quiet place, my cars, Eastern Europe, and a shooting range—that’s my perfect creative workspace.
How He Challenges His Mind and Constantly Learns Outside of Music
For me, learning is an essential part of life. The day you stop challenging your mind is the day you start to lose your spirit. I stimulate my brain through a few activities outside of music. One of the main ones is driving my old Japanese cars. They have a unique history, and driving them requires complete focus and constant improvement of my skills. It’s like a life philosophy—put your soul into something, and you’ll see the rewards. Being a race car driver was one of my childhood dreams, too.
Another activity I enjoy is going to the shooting range. It’s a meditative experience that allows me to disconnect. I spent a lot of time as a child shooting with my grandfather, and the intense focus it requires has always been a great stress reliever.
I’m also naturally curious, so I often dive deep into random topics that catch my attention. I love learning new things just for the sake of understanding.

How He Achieves Physical Well Being
Maintaining physical health with my schedule can be tough. I’m constantly touring, flying between shows, and working on music outside of performances, managing projects, and all the behind-the-scenes work that goes into running a major music project—it’s like managing a company. I’ve struggled with sleep issues for as long as I can remember, and maybe it’s because I have so much energy. My motivation and discipline fuel my work. Right now, it’s a sprint toward my goals, and I push myself hard for the people who support the Onlynumbers project. I’ll think about my physical well-being after my career slows down, but for now, I’m focused on the mission ahead.
How He Maintains Positive Thinking and Mental Well Being
The ability to stay mentally strong through challenges is what separates those who succeed from those who give up. I embrace the chaos of my thoughts—it fuels my creativity. I don’t mind the struggle, because I see it as part of the process of creating something truly unique. Emotions are a powerful tool in music creation, and I use them to drive me forward. Someone once told me, "God gives the hardest path to the strongest warriors," and I live by that. Just like the best players in a video game take on the hardest levels, I push myself to embrace the challenge. It’s all part of becoming the best version of myself.
How He Gets Feedback And Evaluation On Work
I don’t actively seek feedback on my music. If I send a track to someone, I don’t expect any input—I prefer to release it with full confidence in its potential. To me, the most honest feedback comes from the crowd at my shows. Their reaction tells me everything I need to know. The audience is the best way to gauge the impact of a song.

How He Lets Himself Rest And Not Over Work
I haven’t had much rest recently because the Onlynumbers project launched in October 2023, and I’m giving it everything I’ve got. It’s the project of my life, and I’m all in. However, I plan to take a short break in January, mostly to give my ears a rest since I’ve been dealing with some hearing issues. I’ll head to Japan for a couple of weeks to recharge, see friends, and work on some projects there, then I’ll jump back into performances after that.